Review Article

Personalized Medicine: Pharmacogenomics and Drug Development


Personalized medicine aims is to supply the proper drug to the proper patient within the right dose. Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is to recognize genetic variants that may influence drug efficacy and toxicity. All things considered, the fields cover a wide area, including basic drug discovery researches, the genetic origin of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, novel drug improvement, patient genetic assessment and clinical patient administration. At last, the objective of Pharmacogenomics is to anticipate a patient’s genetic response to a particular drug as a way of presenting the best possible medical treatment. By predicting the drug response of an individual, it will be possible to increase the success of therapies and decrease the incidence of adverse side effect.

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IssueVol 55, No 3 (2017) QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Personalized medicine Pharmacogenetics Drug discovery Drug safety

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Mirsadeghi S, Larijani B. Personalized Medicine: Pharmacogenomics and Drug Development. Acta Med Iran. 2017;55(3):150-165.