Appendicostomy Antegrade Colonic Irrigation by Electromechanical Pump: A Novel Method for Managing Fecal Incontinence, Randomized Clinical Trial
Antegrade colonic irrigation enema (ACIE) is established as an old treatment for child fecal incontinence and recently is approved as a treatment for different causes of adult fecal incontinence (cancer surgery, neurogenic bowel, spinal cord injury, sphincter trauma, etc.). Despite the benefits of emptying the large bowel and prevention of fecal incontinence or constipation, this method is time-consuming and requires thorough instruction and training. The purpose of this study was to innovate and assess novel technique to decrease time-consuming and improve performance of irrigation. We designed and electromechanical pump for colon irrigation and assessed by a randomized crossover clinical trial study, involving two-four weeks treatment phases. 30 patients have included that suffered fecal incontinence and had been managed with appendicostomy antegrade colon irrigation. The results showed that the pump decrease time and volume of irrigation compare with the traditional method. All patients had a reduction in toileting times. Traditional mean toileting time was 67 minutes, versus pump-toileting time that was 24.6 minutes (P:0.00). The volume of water was reduced in 13 patients. Mean of the volume was 1712 ml in the traditional method and 1128 ml in pump method (P:0.279). Mean Cleveland Clinic Florida Fecal Incontinence score (CCF_FIS) for the pump was 5.84 compare 6.24 for traditional method (P:0.000). Our study provides evidence for the first time that our novel method can facilitate and speed-up colon irrigation without any adverse effect on the outcome.
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Issue | Vol 57, No 4 (2019) | |
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Appendicostomy Antegrade colon irrigation (ACIE) Fecal incontinence |
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