Original Article

Increased Intracranial Pressure Following Removal of Intracranial Lesions


Increased intracramal tension may 0 ise some days or ''leeks the problem may ari 1 of lrelUova "nt r a cra nial tumours or . lfter operation. , "
" . " such increased tensicn raises the pOSS1- In the immed.',iate postoperat1ve perlOd" " f eopenino- Unrelieved tentorial -" d f c the dec1s10n or r O' l)ility of a clot rormattcn an ore ~ "e"ln .or the so called third day post " f thrombus Into a ma]()Ir v .' , herniation. extenslOn 0 a f h raised intracranial pressure,. th common causes 0 sue operative oede~a. are e dematous blockage of ventricular system may When the ventnclc' has been opened. oe have to be tackled by repeated ventricular puncture. the fear of this postoperative oedema is the reason In posterior fossa surgery. '. - ' h many neurosuTgeons leave the dura open. w y " ommoner in posterior fossa " " tracranial presurc1 1S c Late onset of mcreased in f ttbromae or after excision of " b-total removal 0 neuro . operations spec1ally after su ti t the site of surgery or adheslOns block- " cyst forma ion a tubercnlomas. The cause :s Following air studies. a shunt procedure or a ing the cerebrospinal flUld "pa~hWay. tentorial incision would be md1cated.

IssueVol 7, No 3-4 (1964) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Ramamurthi B. Increased Intracranial Pressure Following Removal of Intracranial Lesions. Acta Med Iran. 1;7(3-4):75-80.