Original Article

Contribution de la Gamma - Arteriographie Carotidienne a L'etude de la Dynamique Circulatoire Cerebrale


Carotid gamma angiography completes the advantage of paraclinic investiga - tions in field of neuroradiology.
Since this procedure can easily proceed the regular contrast angiography, it furnishes additional valuable data without being additionally traumatizing to the patient.
Informations obtained by gamma angiography give important indications on the cerebral circulatory dynamics and in fact becomes a valuable method.
Sometimes, the forms of curves obtained by this method would be sufficient to make the diagnosis of brain circulatory insufficiency and avoid to inject dye , wich in these cases is not without danger.

IssueVol 7, No 3-4 (1964) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Vlahovich B, Adib - Yazdi IS. Contribution de la Gamma - Arteriographie Carotidienne a L’etude de la Dynamique Circulatoire Cerebrale. Acta Med Iran. 1;7(3-4):135-143.