
Etude D'une Famille Atteinte D'alpha Thalassemie en Iran


This a case report of an Iranien jewish young women, who had hypochromic anemia inspitc of incrcscd medullary Iron.. This finding lead to the discovery of Hb H in one of her sister's and one of her daughters, who <11<;0 had hypochrmic anemia. This study is of intercsed for following reason. - First reported case of alta thalassemia in Iran (Though thc beta thalassemia is rather frequent. - Thc Hb H electrophoretic pattern in propositus show increased Hb A2
(like beta thalassemia trait), but presence of Hb H in her sister and daughter, and presence of minimum quantities of Bart's Hb in her sister.

IssueVol 8, No 3-4 (1965) QRcode

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How to Cite
Aghai E. Etude D’une Famille Atteinte D’alpha Thalassemie en Iran . Acta Med Iran. 1;8(3-4):84-90.