
A Propos D'un Cas D'angiomatose Encephalo - Trigeminee Sans Calcification Cerebrale Visible


a 10 years old girl suffering from, "STURGEWEBER_KRABBE" syndrom, with the following symptoms is discussed:
1_ An angiomatose syndrom, especially well distinguished on the right trigeminal region.
2- A neurologic syndrcm'with left hemiparesis and left Jaksonian seizures.
:1- An ophtalmologiquc syndrom "glaucoma" and right blindness. ~_ Calcified points were not shown in radiography of skull at present, but they may be present for future. This patient is regularly under supervision

IssueVol 8, No 3-4 (1965) QRcode

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How to Cite
Tchehrazi PE, Brimani D. A Propos D’un Cas D’angiomatose Encephalo - Trigeminee Sans Calcification Cerebrale Visible. Acta Med Iran. 1;8(3-4):112-117.