
Thyroid Carcinoma and Radiation some Difficult Problems in Screening Programs


Thus the data show a re lationship between radiation and the development of thyroid ca rci noma and i mp l y that s eeking and r emoving such tumors woul d be beneficial . As in most situations, however, this s i mp l e r elationship is clouded by a va r i e t y of associated prob l ems , which mus t be ca r efull y considered.
The surgical pr oce dure r e c ommended f or r emoval o f a nodule in an irradiated gland was a total l obe c t omy on t he contralateral side . If t he contralateral side by a surgeon with a speci a l interest in the field wa s found abnormal on i ns pe c t i on during t he s urgery , a ne ar total thyroidectomy was indicated.

IssueVol 22, No 1 (1980) QRcode

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How to Cite
Fredrick.Ellyin. Thyroid Carcinoma and Radiation some Difficult Problems in Screening Programs. Acta Med Iran. 1;22(1):1-9.