
A Study on Cholesterol,Triglyceride,and Total Lipid in 100 Patients Suffering from Myocardial Infarction


100 patients s uffering f rom myocardial i n f a r cti on we r e t ested i n various hos p itals, f o r cho l ester o l , t r iglyceride , and t otal lipid .
Method s f or choleste r o l , triglyce ride a nd total lipid tests , as wel l as the ir norma l ranges e xpl ained . Spe cifi cations of pa t i ents were compi l e d a s f a r as poss ible and i n Table No.1, a comparison has be en g i ven on the number of addi cts , t h e t ype o f add i c tion , as well a s the s e x of patients. In Table No.2, the r e s ult o f test s on 100 pati ents ob jec t o f ou r s tudy , a r e compared wi t h e ach o t he r and conc lus ion has been drawn . In the l ast part , a general d i scuss ion has be e n made on l i p ids .

IssueVol 22, No 1 (1980) QRcode

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How to Cite
N. MAHDAVI. A Study on Cholesterol,Triglyceride,and Total Lipid in 100 Patients Suffering from Myocardial Infarction. Acta Med Iran. 1;22(1):62-70.