Original Article

Evaluation of Semon's Law in Laryngeal Paralysis


We have discussed hi t . ] . IS orica and clinical aspects of Semon's L concernIng the hevaviOur of the vocal cords' aw net ve paralysis and the exist' diff In the recurrent laryngeal Althou h ' mg I erent theories for its explanation. g One may fwd certain truth in neverthless, it seemsfl' SOmeof the old theories, ar more ogical and satisfactor the explanation of th S 'L y to us to search e ernon s aw throu h the anatomy of the SU . I g Our new knowledge of penor aryngeal nerve in man d i which innervate the .t' an ItS motor fibers In erarytenOld muscle.

IssueVol 1, No 2 (1957) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Hedayaty J. Evaluation of Semon’s Law in Laryngeal Paralysis. Acta Med Iran. 1;1(2):133-138.