Original Article

Chroroideremie et Atrophie Gyrata


The authors describe case history of three patients who one-side progressive atrophy of the iris. Two of these'; cases became later a glaucoma which could' not' be treated' even surgidily. third patient' had a betercebromi~'of the same side. The authors. discuss t4e different theories for the pathogenesi~ o~ the pl:imary. progl:lcssive att:«;>phy o( the iris bu~ believe that sy~pathetic theory which is nearer to Fuchs' syndrom is more accepJable..

IssueVol 1, No 2 (1957) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Chams G, Sadoughi G. Chroroideremie et Atrophie Gyrata. Acta Med Iran. 1;1(2):165-168.