
Radiofrequency catheter ablation of type 1 atrial Flutter


It has been well - established that common atrial flutter is due to intraatrial macroreentry and its reentry circuit locates in the right atrium. This reentry circuit has been characterized to involve an area of slow conduction identifiable electrophysiologically at the low posteroseptal right atrium and anatomical narrow isthmus snrrounded by the inferior vena capa, coronary sinus astium and tricuspid valve annulus. We performed radiofrequency catheter ablation for common atrial futter using anatomical approach in one patient. In this report, we discuss the efficacy of catheter ablative therapy and its results in our patient.

IssueVol 38, No 3 (2000) QRcode
Atrial flutter

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How to Cite
Yamini Sharif A, Moghaddam M. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of type 1 atrial Flutter. Acta Med Iran. 1;38(3):174-178.