
Congenital radioulnar synostosis: A report of 11 cases and review of literature


During the last 10 years, we have had 11 cases of radioulnar (RU) synostosis, a very rare congenital amomaly of the upper extremity. Only 3 of them required surgical intervention. So we evaluated these three cases of proximal radioulnar synostosis corrected by proximal derotational osteotomy. The indication for surgery was severe pronation deformity that caused functional problem. Mean age at the time of surgery was 4.5 years (3-6 years) and mean postoperative follow up was 3.5 years(1-5 years). Forearm position after surgery was 15 supination. Anesthetic and functional results in all patients were good. In only one patient it was complicated by impending compartment syndrome that was treated by conservative measures. We recommend derotational osteotomay for correcting RU synostosis in earlier age.
IssueVol 40, No 2 (2002) QRcode
Synostosis Congenital Radioulnar

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How to Cite
Farzan M, Daneshjou Kh, Mortazavi SMJ, Espander R. Congenital radioulnar synostosis: A report of 11 cases and review of literature. Acta Med Iran. 1;40(2):126-131.