
A Propos d'un Cas Curieux et Bilateral de la Neurovascularite Obliterante de la Retine


Under the name of obliterant neuro-vascularitis of the retina, grippal, avait brutalement perdu Ia vision des deux yeux. La cause et Ia pathogenic leur echappent encore. Fig. 1 PLANCHE XII G. CHAMS ET G. SADOUGHI the authors have written an interesting observation of a patient' who after a gripp has lost the vision of both eyes. Its cause and pathogenesis has dot yet been found.

IssueVol 1, No 3 (1957) QRcode

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How to Cite
Chams G, Sadoughi G. A Propos d’un Cas Curieux et Bilateral de la Neurovascularite Obliterante de la Retine. Acta Med Iran. 1;1(3):239-242.