
Transiliac Leg Lengthening in Poliomyelitis


The development and widespread use of a prophylactic vaccine significantly reduced the incidence of poliomyelitis. At present we more commonly encounter with poliomyelitis sequelae especially in developing countries. We evaluate the results of a modified innominate osteotomy for leg length discrepancy in poliomyelitis. Instead of triangular bone graft as in Salter’s innominate osteotomy , a trapezoidal bone graft from the ilium is inserted in the site of osteotomy after gradual distraction of the limb. 25 patients (9 males and 16 females) with mean age of 25 years (17-37 years) were treated by this method. All of them had poliomyelitis with limb shortening. At a mean follow-up of 7 years (3 months to 17 years) an average of 3 cm (2.5-3.5) was achieved. Complication was seen in three patients including injury to the lateral cutaneouns nerve of thigh and displacement of osteotomy in two patients .except in one all of the patients satisfied with the operation. We believe this method is safe, effective and cost-benefit for treating of moderate shortening of the lower limb in poliomyelitis.

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IssueVol 47, No 5 (2009) QRcode
Transiliac leg lengthening leg lengthening limb length discrepancy postural imbalance

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How to Cite
Baghdadi T, Gorji J, Mortazavi SMJ, Mohammadi MA, Baghdadi S. Transiliac Leg Lengthening in Poliomyelitis. Acta Med Iran. 1;47(5):399-401.