Original Article

Dose Impaired Relaxation of Left Ventricle Affect Early Outcomes


Although systolic dysfunction is revealed as a prognostic factor in cardiac surgery , the role of diastolic dysfunction as a predictive factor is less evaluated. In this retrospective study from 872 patients that underwent isolated coronary artery bypass graft(Jan 2008-Feb 2009),388 patients had normal left ventricular ejection fraction (>50%). These are divided in two groups, Group 1: 361 patients without diastolic dysfunction (impaired relaxation) and Group 2: 27 patients with diastolic dysfunction ( impaired relaxation) . Mean age in group 1 was 57.72 year and in group 2 was 61.16 year (P =0.07). Risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertention and dyslipidemia were similar. Although overall complication rate was higher in group 2( 11.1% vs 2.8% P value 0.05),but when each complication was studied individually no significant statistical difference was found. Also no significant statistical difference was found in mortality (2.2% in group 1 vs 7.4% in group 2 P =0.1). In conclusion, from clinical standpoint diastolic dysfunction can be an important factor in assessing surgical outcome in patients whom underwent coronary artery bypass grafting.

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IssueVol 48, No 3 (2010) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Coronary artery bypass heart failure diastole mortality complications

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Bagheri J, Rezakhanloo F. Dose Impaired Relaxation of Left Ventricle Affect Early Outcomes. Acta Med Iran. 1;48(3):164-167.