Original Article

Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly People Living in Bandar Abbas, Iran: A Population-Based Study


Measuring health related quality of life of old people has become an important public health issue with the aging of population in developing countries. The aim of this study was to examine the health related quality of life of old people living in Bandar Abbas, Iran. This was a population-based study in which a random sample of 1000 individuals of the community aged over 60 years were interviewed using SF-36 questionnaire. Overall health related quality of life and relative differences between men and women and also between different age groups (60-75 years vs. >75 years) was assessed in this study. A total of 1000 elderly individuals completed the SF-36 questionnaire. Of all participants 499 (49.9%) were men, 501(50.01%) women, 789 (78.9%) aged 60-75 years, and 211 (21.1) aged over 75 years. The logistic regression analysis showed the age over 75 years could increase the risk of lower score of physical [OR: 2.69, CI; (1.96-3.73] and mental [OR: 1.58, CI (1.16-2.15)] component summaries of SF-36 regardless other factors. Additionally, suffering from chronic diseases could decrease physical and mental scores of health related quality of life separately [OR: 8.6, CI; (4.37-16.94) and OR: 1.8, CI (1.1-2.99) respectively]. Women compared to men and illiterate old people compared to literate ones are more likely to perceive worse health related quality of life especially in physical component [OR: 1.35, CI; (1.01-1.81) and OR: 1.59, CI (1.12-2.24) respectively ]. The findings of this study suggest that health related quality of life in old people is not only decreased by aging, but each of other factors such as female gender, illiteracy, and chronic diseases could decrease health related quality of life of old people.

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IssueVol 48, No 3 (2010) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Health quality of life aged community health planning

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How to Cite
Aghamolaei T, Tavafian SS, Zare S. Health Related Quality of Life in Elderly People Living in Bandar Abbas, Iran: A Population-Based Study. Acta Med Iran. 1;48(3):185-191.