
Stopping Insulin and Achieving a Good Metabolic Control in a Heavy Drinker Five Months after Stopping Alcohol


In this case study, we describe a 25 year-old male who showed the symptoms of diabetes after a period of heavy drinking. (HbA1c=13%). Treatment was started with 120 units of insulin. After stopping alcohol consumption and taking an appropriate diet, insulin was tapered down. Five months after the start of treatment, insulin was stopped (HbA1c=5%). The results showed that he was in a good metabolic control after 18 months (HbA1c=5.9%).

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IssueVol 49, No 2 (2011) QRcode
Alcohol Diabetes HbA1C Insulin

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How to Cite
Shahab Jahanlou A, Ghofranipour F, Kimmiagar M, Vafaei M, Heydarnia A, Alishan Karami N. Stopping Insulin and Achieving a Good Metabolic Control in a Heavy Drinker Five Months after Stopping Alcohol. Acta Med Iran. 1;49(2):122-123.