
Sleep-Related Eating Disorder: A Case Report of a Progressed Night Eating Syndrome


Night eating syndrome is a common disorder in eating behaviors that occurs in close relation to the night time sleep cycle. Although eating disorders are common in society, night eating syndrome has been left neglected by health care professionals. In this report we present a case of eating disorder that exhibits some novel features of night eating syndrome. Our case was a progressed type of eating disorder which may increase awareness among physicians about sleep-related eating disorders.

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IssueVol 50, No 7 (2012) QRcode
NES Night eating syndrome Sleep eating syndrome

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Shoar S, Naderan M, Shoar N, Dehpour AR, Khorgami Z, Hoseini SS. Sleep-Related Eating Disorder: A Case Report of a Progressed Night Eating Syndrome. Acta Med Iran. 1;50(7):522-524.