
A Study of Incidenceof Post-oparative Sepsis In Iran


A survey was .carried out to determine the incidence of sepsis after surgical operation. A total of 133 cases were studied. 33 percent of elean wounds w~reqffected by some. post operative sepsis and yielded pathogenic bacteria on culture. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen but pseudomonas and E. coli were also common. Cultures were taken from the staff, the environment and objects and an attempt was made to show the significance of each in connection with hospital cross infection. Finally certain recommendations were made in the hope that the observance of these specific rules would significantly lower the rate of sepsis at the particular hospital concerned

IssueVol IX , No 3-4 (1966) QRcode

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How to Cite
Hashemian H, Gharagozloo R. A Study of Incidenceof Post-oparative Sepsis In Iran. Acta Med Iran. 1;(3-4):43-64.