
The Measurement of Isodose Curves of a Cobalt Unit by a Photographic Technique


A method is described whereby the isodose curves of a cobalt unit were measured, using a simple photographic technique. The methOd reduces the effects of experimental errors and artifacts by cross_plotting the constants of decrement liner. The method is self-calibrating, and affords a useful allernative to the more usual water phantom pro:edures, in cases when this apparatuS is not available

IssueVol XI, No 1-2 (1968) QRcode

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How to Cite
Fry W, Inst. A, Majoubi E, Jalali A. The Measurement of Isodose Curves of a Cobalt Unit by a Photographic Technique. Acta Med Iran. 1;(1-2):13-28.