Original Article

A Survey of Malignant Lymphoid Tumors Among Iranians


A Survey of Malignant Lymphoid Tumors Among Iranians The frequency. histopathologic features, and clinical aspects of malignant lymphoid tumors. among Iranians arc discussed on the basis of 68,000 consecutive biopsies and 1917 autopsies performed over a twenty.five years period in the Department of Pathology at Teheran University. Of the 5814 lymph nodes examined on biopsy, 1368 (23%) showed malignant lymphoid tumors. Among the autopsied cases there were 366 cases of malignant tumors, and of these 81 cases showed malignant lymphoid tumors.
The malignant lymphoid tumors were devided into two major groups of Sarcomatous proliferation and Hodgkin's disease. There were 8iO cases of Sarcomatous proliferation. of. which 828 cases were diagnosed initially by biopsy. These cases of Reticulumcell-sarcoma, 162 cases of Reticulo Iymphosarcoma, 130 cases of lympho., blartic-Iymphosarcoma, 262 cases of lymphocytic lymphosarcoma and 40 cases of Giant follicular lymphoma. These were further analyzed on the basis of age distribution, sex incidence and site of initial manifestation. s- odal involvement was the initial manifestation in 89% of the cases, whereas extra-nodal initial manifestations appeared in 9.5 %and systemic manifestations in 1.5% of the cases. There were 569 cases of Hodgkin's disease, of which 540 cases were diagnosed initially by biopsy. The cases of Hodgkin's disease were discussed and devided on the basis of the pattern of simple or mixed cellular proliferation and transformation

IssueVol XI, No 1-2 (1968) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Armin K. A Survey of Malignant Lymphoid Tumors Among Iranians. Acta Med Iran. 1;(1-2):35-62.