Original Article

Diuretics and Hypokalemia


We have studied hypokalemic action of different diuretics in a cooperative study on 28 patients and our results are as follows: I. 28 patients (18 male and 10 female) were the subject of our present study. 2. E. C. G. was taken systematically on all individuals. 3. Clinical signs and symptoms of hypokalemia was looked for in d lily examination of the patients. 4. Dietary K, Na, and CI could not be determined because of lack facilities. 5. Determination ed out in all patients. We strongly believe that small amount of potassium added to diuretics has no beneficial effect on delaying hypokalemia caused by these diuretics. 7. A rich diet containing adequate amount of potassium can sat, isfactorily prevent hypokalemia. 8. Furosemide and mercurial diuretics similarly cause hyponatremia rather than hypokalemia. 9. Thiazides cause hypokalemia rather than hyponatremia. 10. Addition of triamterene can delay the occurance of hypokale; mia in those patients taking thiazides,

IssueVol XIII, No 1-2 (1970) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Handjani AA, Nik-Akhtar (Nazari) B, Famili H. Diuretics and Hypokalemia. Acta Med Iran. 1;(1-2):47-51.