
Effects of Methylthiouracil on the Serum Protein Fractions in Dog


The effects of a prolonged oral administration of methylthiouracil was studied on the electrophoretically - separated serum protein fractions in 24 dogs. Though the statistical mean of changes in serum albumin and alpha2 globulin were highly significant but the individual alterations were not consistent and therefore on the basis of the available data there does not seem to be a characteristic electrophoretic pattern in the experimentally produced hypothyroidism in the dog. This finding is in agreement with the clinical electrophoretic pattern reported in the human spontaneous hypothyroidism.

IssueVol XIII, No 3-4 (1970) QRcode

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How to Cite
A- Pousti N- Guiti. Effects of Methylthiouracil on the Serum Protein Fractions in Dog. Acta Med Iran. 1;(3-4):57-62.