
Experimental Study on the Mechanism o£ Cardiac Failure in the Diffuse Anoxia and Acute Local Ischemia of Myocardium in Dogs


The acute diffuse hypoxia in dogs by general hypoxia, ligation of the coronary arteries and perfusion of the coronaries in the diffuse hypoxic hear ts. T he results of our experiments suggest that the quantitative diminu tion of oxygen and bloo d supply to the myocardium is, rather than oxygen differential , a determining fa ctor for development of ventr icular fi brillat ion or cardiac arrest.

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Nasser Guiti, Manouchehr H. Kermani, Djamal Sadeghi. Experimental Study on the Mechanism o£ Cardiac Failure in the Diffuse Anoxia and Acute Local Ischemia of Myocardium in Dogs. Acta Med Iran. 1;:1-8.