
Wirkungsart der Medikamente auf die Veraenderungen des Kammerwasser Produktion und des Augeninnendruckes


An ana lysis was made o r the eff ect o n the eyes o f severa l types of d rug. Ad ren ergic. parusymp.uholitic. an ti-adrenergic. psycho tro pic. diuret ic and cort ico id d rugs as wel1 as an ti-depressants. vusod ilata to rs and ca rd io-to nics were among the vario us prod ucts stud ied . The resul ts of Ihis ~l n al "'s is showed th.u before these PI'OdUCb :Irc used . a careful examinat ion o f the eves ions.

IssueVol XIV, No (1971) QRcode

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How to Cite
E. SHARABIANLOU. Wirkungsart der Medikamente auf die Veraenderungen des Kammerwasser Produktion und des Augeninnendruckes. Acta Med Iran. 1;:181-191.