Original Article

Hepatite Cholestatique Induite par I'Administration Prolongee de I'Acide Nalidixique (Rapport d'un cas)


Cholestatic hepatitis induced by prolonged administration of nalidixic acid: Anti biotics like other drugs may generally produce hepatic benign lesions. We have recently observed a case of cholestatic hepatitis by prolonged administration of nalidixic acid. This hepatitis have regressed rapidly after discont inuin-c the dru g. This case dose not excluded the value of nalidixic acid asa strong antibiotic but it to the category of hepat otoxic drugs.

IssueVol XVII, No (1974) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
M.A. RACHED-MOHASSEL, A.A. HANJANI, B. NIK-AKHTAR, CH. CHARIAT, M. TABIBI. Hepatite Cholestatique Induite par I’Administration Prolongee de I’Acide Nalidixique (Rapport d’un cas). Acta Med Iran. 1;:47-56.