
Anaesthetic and Surgical Management in Pheocheromocytoma Report of Seven Cases


Our experience with seven cases of pheochromocytoma has been described. Preparation with Alpha and Beta receptor blockers, as well as the correction of hypovolaemia prior to operation, have been rccommcned. The Transverse Abdominal Incision has been selected as the incision of choice. The usage of Noradrenaline post operatively, has been abandoned. The preparation with Alpha and Beta receptor blockers should be performed prior to retroperitoneal pneumography, or other traumatc examination.

IssueVol XVII, No (1974) QRcode

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How to Cite
Oskoui B, Oskoui M. Anaesthetic and Surgical Management in Pheocheromocytoma Report of Seven Cases. Acta Med Iran. 1;:93-112.