Original Article

Les Fatigues Physiques Et Intellectuelles Des Causes Probables de L'hyperuricemie.


A blood uric acid analysis has been effected on 193 Iranians of the intellectual group aged from 25 to 60, of which the normal average rate for 99
women and 94 men of a normal sta te are (47 .5 -+- '.73) and (53 .62 --'-- ?73) respectively. After ha ving controlled the uricemia of these subjects during a period of th ree years in the three states of healthiness, fatigue or physical strains and sickness, we have been able to note that during physical fatigue and intellectual stra ins the uricemia presents an augmentat ion notable as in the case of the sicknesses. Taking into consideration the hyperuricemia resulting from fatigue and strains, it may be noteworthy to be taken into consideration by the clinical laboratories and the physicians as well .

IssueVol XVIII, No (1975) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
SEDA J. KARAMIAN. Les Fatigues Physiques Et Intellectuelles Des Causes Probables de L’hyperuricemie. Acta Med Iran. 1;:61-68.