
Clostridium Difficile


Seventy-five meconium samples were examined for the presence of CI. difficile: 3 strains were isola ted. Additionally 45 labora tory animal faeces specimens were tested for the same purpose, a further 2 cases were isolated. These five suspicious strains were identified as CI. difficile acco rding to the tests mentioned in the previous paragraphs. The organisms . isolated here showed the same characteristics as five of the strains received and also as the organisms isolated from the inoculated animals with the crude cultures of CI. difficile. These organisms were variable in size, roughly 2-9 XO.3-0. 8u, Gram positive rods, moti le, capsulated, fl agellated, most probably peritrichous, possessing non-bulging spores located terminally or msubterminally, free spores were-rarely detectable. Cell arrangements : singly or in pairs and occasionally in short chains. On longer incubation the organisms slightly shifted to become Gram variable and longer in size. Colonies on ordinary aga r and solid blood agar appeared to be punctiform and rough. On the other hand the colony appearance on the rest of the solid media which are mentioned previously a re as fo llows: 1-3 mm in diameter, greenish, smooth, non-haemolytic, entire some showing slight irregularities of their edges. Colonies slightly raised, butyrous and semi opaque to opaque. This organism does not liquify the serum of Loeffler medium and also does not cause any changes of this medium. The metachromatic granules are readily seen by Albert's staining. Neither proteolytic nor lipolytic activi ties are possessed by this organ ism. Sensitivity to antibiotics showed the same pattern as mentioned about the strains received. H?S production was positive after 48 hours. All the strains reduce nitrates. Most of the strains produce Indole and none liquify gelatin and also none produce any changes in Litmus Milk medium. The agglutinating serum prepared in rabbits as mentioned before were tested against heated and formolised suspensions of the strains isolated; serum produced against strain A3 agglutinated to some extent all the strains tested. The 0 I and EI were agglutinated to a greater degree than the homologous strain. The strains 02 and 03 were flocculated equally as the homologous strain. Furthermore E2 strain was also agglutinated at the I in 640 serum dilution. An effective antiserum was produced in rabbits by injecting with CI. difficile toxoid.

IssueVol XVIII, No 3-4 (1975) QRcode

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How to Cite
MODABER. Clostridium Difficile. Acta Med Iran. 1;(3-4):111-128.