
L anurie par Intoxication au Mercure ( A Report de 15 cas )


15 cases of acute renal failure follow ing ingestion of bichloride of mercury were studied at Pahlavi medical center, university of Teheran, between
196? and 1972. All the patients admitted suicide attempts. All had oliguria and uremia except one, in whom oliguria was moderate without azotemia. There were four deaths among the 15 patients, tgastrointestinal hernorrage; secondery infection and the prolonged acute uremia probably were the cause of death in another one. Early administration of B. A. L. and early frequent hemodialysis helps to support the patient through the period of oliguria and possibly to remove the mercury B. A. L. Complex. Although the mortality of mercury intoxication has decreased, gast rointestinal hemorrages and secondery infections make its prognosis still unfavorable.hree of them with.

IssueVol XVIII, No 3-4 (1975) QRcode

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How to Cite
NIKKHOU M. L anurie par Intoxication au Mercure ( A Report de 15 cas ). Acta Med Iran. 1;(3-4):195-204.