Original Article

Criteria for Evidence-based Practice in Iranian Traditional Medicine


The major difference between Iranian traditional medicine and allopathic medicine is in the application  of  evidence  and  documents.  In  this  study,  criteria  for  evidence-based  practice  in  Iranian traditional medicine and its rules of practice were studied. The experts’ views were investigated through in- depth, semi-structured interviews and the results were categorized into four main categories including Designing clinical questions/clinical question-based search, critical appraisal, resource search criteria and clinical prescription appraisal. Although the application of evidence in Iranian traditional medicine follows Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) principles but it benefits from its own rules, regulations, and criteria that are compatible with EBM.

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IssueVol 53, No 7 (2015) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Iranian traditional medicine Evidence-based practice Qualitative study

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How to Cite
Soltani Arabshahi SK, Mohammadi Kenari H, Kordafshari G, Shams Ardakani MR, Bigdeli S. Criteria for Evidence-based Practice in Iranian Traditional Medicine. Acta Med Iran. 2015;53(7):419-424.