
An Interesting Case of Penetrating Injury Neck and Face


Penetrating neck trauma is an important area of trauma care that has undergone evolution in the recent past. A remarkable number of changes have occurred in the treatment paradigm as new technologies have developed and as surgeons have explored the outcomes from different treatment protocols. Therapy has evolved from no treatment (before effective anesthesia and instrumentation), to non operative management, to routine exploration, to selective exploration and adjunctive invasive or noninvasive assessment. Penetrating neck injuries remain challenging, as there are a number of important structures in a small area and injury to any of these structures may not be readily apparent.

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IssueVol 51, No 3 (2013) QRcode
Coconut leaf stem Neck hematoma Penetrating injury

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How to Cite
Venkatachalapath TS. An Interesting Case of Penetrating Injury Neck and Face. Acta Med Iran. 1;51(3):199-200.