
Atypical Respiratory Distress in A Newborn: a Diagnostic Dilemma


Neonatal respiratory distress is a very common problem in our practice. The causes may be respiratory, cardiovascular, central, metabolic, haematological and surgical. The cause of distress due to transient myocardial depression is not very common in mild asphyxia. We present a case having transient myocardial depression with severe respiratory distress and features of shock in a mild asphyxiated baby.

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IssueVol 52, No 7 (2014) QRcode
Respiratory Distress Shock Myocardial depression Metabolic acidosis

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How to Cite
Dey PK, Mondal B, Bagchi NR. Atypical Respiratory Distress in A Newborn: a Diagnostic Dilemma. Acta Med Iran. 1;52(7):575-577.