Original Article

Pseudo-Aneurysm of Anterior Tibia Artery Simulating a Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Case Report


A pseudo aneurysm results from leakage of blood from an artery after trauma or dehiscence or separation of a surgical anastomosis. The reported rate of pseudo aneurysm in access sites range from 0.88% to 8%. It has some cause like penetrating trauma, blunt trauma and endovascular procedure. The differential diagnoses of this lesion are hematoma, AV fistula, lymphadenopathy, lymphocele, DVT, compartment syndrome, soft tissue tumor. A 16 years old male was referred to our clinic with progressive swelling in his right leg for the past three month. In primary survey (MRI, CT, Bone Scan) patient was diagnosed with soft tissue tumor, but after biopsy and angiography he was diagnosed with pseudo aneurysm of anterior tibialis artery. Despite easy diagnosis of p aneurysm in most cases, the signs and symptoms are more likely to soft tissue mass in rare cases. So pseudo aneurysm should always be considered as one differential diagnosis for soft tissue tumors.

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IssueVol 52, No 3 (2014) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Anterior tibialis artery Pseudo aneurysm Soft tissue tumor Case report

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How to Cite
Barzi DM, Sami SH, Fallah E. Pseudo-Aneurysm of Anterior Tibia Artery Simulating a Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Case Report. Acta Med Iran. 1;52(3):234-237.