
Sequences Type Analysis of Candida Albicans Isolates from Iranian Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients with Oral Candidiasis


The growing number of immunocompromised individuals has increased the incidence of infections caused by Candida species during the recent decades. Typing of C. albicans on the basis of DNA sequences at multiple loci has greatly advanced our knowledge about the epidemiology and phylogeny of candidiasis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity, and genetic relationships among C. albicans isolates obtained from HIV patients in Iran. using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method. We analyzed 25 C. albicans isolates obtained from HIV positive patients referred to Iranian Research Center for HIV/AIDS. After diagnostic test and DNA extraction C. albicans isolates were typed using the original MLST scheme explained previously include of six loci: ACC1, VPS13, GLN4, ADP1, RPN2, and SYA1. Fifty one (2.17%) nucleotide sites were found to be polymorphic; all were found to be heterozygous in at least one isolate. For the 25 clinical isolates, 22 diploid sequence types were defined by the genotypes identified from the six loci. The MLST data suggest a relatively high level of divergence in the population structure of C. albicans isolated from HIV infected patients. These findings indicate that in these patients there is a favorable context for the growth of potential pathogenic C. albicans. We found no association between fluconazole resistance, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) receiving and either sequence type or group.

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IssueVol 52, No 3 (2014) QRcode
MLST Candida albicans HIV patients Genotyping

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Katiraee F, Khalaj V, Khosravi AR, Hajiabdolbaghi M. Sequences Type Analysis of Candida Albicans Isolates from Iranian Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients with Oral Candidiasis. Acta Med Iran. 1;52(3):187-191.