Original Article

Quality of Life of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: a Study of North India


Tuberculosis is still one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. Besides clinical impact, the disease affects the quality of life (QOL) too. With the rise of 21st century, multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR TB) has risen as a significant public health problem due to emergence of resistance to anti-tuberculosis therapy (ATT) drugs. This study was planned to analyze the impact of MDRTB on QOL. It was a six month analysis, with a sample size of 60 cases each of MDRTB and PTB. It was based on a pre-designed, pre-tested questionnaire using WHOQOL BREF scale.  Out of each group, 38 (63.33%) and 36 (60.0%) were in the 21-40 years of age groups, more than 60% married and were residing in the urban/urban slums. It was found that QoL of MDRTB patients was worse than PTB counterparts. The psychological and environmental domains (MDRTB vs. PTB 17.46 vs. 15.23 and 22.00 vs 18.91) were more affected as compared to physical and social domains (19.03 vs 20.05 and 7.88 vs 9.61) in MDRTB and PTB. Financially, MDRTB patients were worst suffers as compared to PTB as former were not being covered under any program, while both groups are affected socially due to social stigma attached with the disease. Thus, there is a need to design an applicable, reliable measure to better address the quality issues methodologically. This would further enable the health care professionals and management to devise relevant interventions to improve the quality of the patients, as well as the programme.

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IssueVol 52, No 6 (2014) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Quality of life Impact Physical Psychological Social Environment

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How to Cite
Sharma R, Yadav R, Sharma M, Saini V, Koushal V. Quality of Life of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: a Study of North India. Acta Med Iran. 1;52(6):448-453.