Original Article

The Influence of Incorrect Customs of Lifestyle in Hepatitis B Infection Transmission


Hepatitis B (HB) disease occurs with high risk behaviors in the different communities. Aim of this study was to find out some of local customs in lifestyle that might be risk factors for transmitting this disease in order to design the educational programs and control it periodically in Chaharmahal VA Bakhtiari, Iran. This was a case-control study, carried out on patients with HB and the control group in Buldaji’s district since October 2008 to March 2011. An expert person interviewed both these groups with a valid and reliable questionnaire. The data were gathered and analyzed by descriptive statistics; Chi-square and logistic regression.A total of 85 patients with HB were enrolled in the study. Four of wrong customs were considered as predicting risk factors for transmission of hepatitis B infection in two groups; history of making shallow incisions on the auricle or leg for healing a disease or exchanging their blood in childhood [P=0.000, OR=6.130, 95%CL: 2.648-14.192], tattooing [P=0.033, OR=1.391, 95%CL: 1.028-1.882], be born at home by an untrained midwife [P=0.005, OR=3.217, 95%CL: 1.425-7.263], receiving dental services by experimental dentists [P=0.034,OR=0.218, 95%CL: 0.053-0.893]. For development of health education materials’ in our region, we focus not only on proper prevention of general risk factors of HBV transmission but also necessarily draw upon local social and cultural contexts which may spread this disease .We encourage the people to improve these customs or don’t do it to control transmission of HB.

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IssueVol 53, No 11 (2015) QRcode
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Control HBV Local custom Risk factor

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How to Cite
Moazeni-Bistgani M, Imani R, Shahrjerdi S. The Influence of Incorrect Customs of Lifestyle in Hepatitis B Infection Transmission. Acta Med Iran. 2015;53(11):697-702.