Original Article

Comparison of Fecal Calprotectin in Exclusively Breastfed and Formula or Mixed Fed Infants in the First Six Months of Life


We conducted this study to compare fecal calprotectin between exclusively breastfed and formula or mixed fed infants aged one month and six months. Sixty term infants were enrolled from the labor ward of Valiasr Hospital between Oct 2011 and July 2015 and their fecal calprotectin was checked by the ELISA method and Hycult biotech kits. The enrolled infants had a birth weight of 2500-4000 g and no perinatal insults or hospitalization. Stool sampling was done at 1±1 week and at 6n±1 months. The six-month infants had no recent disease, antibiotic use or vaccination. The mean fecal calprotectin was higher in exclusively breastfed infants at first and sixth months than formula and mixed fed infants (368.85±204.49 and 283.21±381.41 µg/g versus 152.59±139.13 and 113.62±92.75 µg/g respectively). (P=0.0001 and 0.018) Fecal calprotectin was higher in infants with GERD than healthy babies in the first and sixth months (P=0.0001 and 0.004). Based on the role of calprotectin in inflammation, its higher levels in exclusively breastfed infants is contrary to breast milk benefits and may be a sign of enhanced mucosal immune maturity in them.

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IssueVol 55, No 1 (2017) QRcode
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Fecal calprotectin Breastfed Formula fed Mixed fed

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Asgarshirazi M, Shariat M, Nayeri F, Dalili H, Abdollahi A. Comparison of Fecal Calprotectin in Exclusively Breastfed and Formula or Mixed Fed Infants in the First Six Months of Life. Acta Med Iran. 2017;55(1):53-58.