Original Article

Deficiency in Mental Rotation of Upper and Lower-Limbs in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis and Its Relation With Cognitive Functions


Mental rotation is a cognitive motor process which was impaired in different neurologic disorders. We investigated whether there were deficits in response pattern, reaction time and response accuracy rate of mental rotation in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients compared to healthy subjects and whether cognitive dysfunctions in MS patients were correlated with mental rotation deficits. Moreover, we showed whether there was a difference between upper and lower-limbs mental rotation in MS patients. Thirty-five MS patients and 25 healthy subjects performed hand mental rotation (HMR) and foot mental rotation (FMR) tasks. Visual information processing speed, spatial learning and memory ability, and visuospatial processing were assessed by Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Brief Visuospatial Memory Test–Revised (BVMT-R), and Judgment of Line Orientation Test (JLO) respectively in MS patients. Reaction time for both hand and foot stimuli increased, and response accuracy rate for hand stimuli decreased in MS patients compared to healthy subjects, but response pattern of mental rotation in MS patients persisted. Similar to healthy subjects, MS patients performed upper-limbs mental rotation more easily than a lower-limbs mental rotation with more speed and response accuracy rate. Reaction time and response accuracy rate were correlated with the mentioned cognitive functions. MS patients made use of the correct response pattern for problem solving of increasing orientation from upright stimuli. Reaction time and response accuracy rate altered in these patients and this alteration might occur along with impairment in motor planning. Subjects’ better responding to hand stimuli was due to more familiarity with hand stimuli. The correlation of mental rotation ability with cognitive functions indicates the possible role of cognitive functions in mental rotation.

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IssueVol 54, No 8 (2016) QRcode
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Multiple sclerosis Mental rotation Motor imagery Cognitive function

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How to Cite
Azin M, Zangiabadi N, Moghadas Tabrizi Y, Iranmanesh F, Baneshi MR. Deficiency in Mental Rotation of Upper and Lower-Limbs in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis and Its Relation With Cognitive Functions. Acta Med Iran. 2016;54(8):510-517.