
Anthropometric Analysis of Cephalofacial Dimensions in Kerman, Iran


The human body dimensions are affected by ecological, biological, geographical, racial, sex, and age factors. Craniofacial measurements can be considered to be one of the important tools for determination of the morphological characteristics of the head and face. In this study, which was conducted on Persian adolescents living in Kerman/Iran, different forms of head and face were determined for using in various aspects of medicine. The study was conducted on 732 participants including 366 males and 366 females in the age of 18-20-year-old. In addition to the height and weight of the participants, cephalofacial sizes of them were measured and then cephalic, facial, and brain indices were calculated. Among the cephalofacial sizes, cranial length and breadth, cranial circumference, prosopic length and prosopic breadth were significantly greater in males compared to females (P<0.005). Also, volume and weight of brain were significantly greater in male comparing to female participants (P<0.005). The predominant type of head was meso-cephal, and the predominant type of face was meso-prosopic in both sexes. 

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Anthropometric analysis Cephalofacial Chephalometric

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Pouya F, Eftekhar-Vaghefi SH, Salehinejad P. Anthropometric Analysis of Cephalofacial Dimensions in Kerman, Iran. Acta Med Iran. 2017;55(4):241-248.