Discoid Lupus Erythematosus Presenting as Upper Eyelid Edema and Erythema
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) is an autoimmune disorder that usually occurs on sun exposed areas of head and neck. Infrequently it could be presented by palpebral involvement and rarely unilateral upper eye lid edema and erythema have been reported as the sole manifestation of DLE. We describe a 38-year-old woman with chronic left upper eye lid edema and erythema from one year ago which was induced by steroid injection for left eyebrow alopecia. Histopathologic and direct immunofluorescent studies were made on palpebral skin tissue and confirmed DLE diagnosis. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) titer was 1/160 with speckled pattern. She was treated by oral hydroxychloroquine (400 mg daily) with moderate improvement after three months. We should think about DLE in cases with chronic upper eye lid edema and erythema. The aim of this case report is to emphasize that ophthalmologist and dermatologists should be aware of different presentations of DLE in the periorbital area to prevent misdiagnosis.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 55, No 7 (2017) | |
Section | Case Report(s) | |
Keywords | ||
Discoid lupus erythematosus Eyelid Edema Erythema |
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