Case Report

Liver Hydatid Cyst and Acute Cholangitis: a Case Report


Amongst the cause of cystic hepatic disease, hydatid cyst is common in the Asia, South America, and Africa. The definitive therapy for hepatic hydatid disease is surgical resection. Rupture of the hydatid cyst into the biliary tree can lead to serious cholangitis. In this report, a 22-year-old man is presented with the signs and symptoms of obstructive jaundice and cholangitis. Ultrasonography reported dilated common bile duct (CBD) with sludge and stones, a hydatid cyst adjacent to the gall bladder and mild thickening of gallbladder wall without a stone. MRCP revealed dilated CBD with a cyst in segment fifth of liver. Due to signs and symptoms of obstructive jaundice in addition to lab data and imaging modalities, the ruptured hydatid cyst into a biliary tree was considered, and surgical intervention was performed to extract daughter vesicles from the CBD. Post intervention, signs and symptoms and cholestasis enzymes were subsided.

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IssueVol 54, No 4 (2016) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Cholangitis Hydatid cyst Biliary obstruction

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How to Cite
Nemati Honar B, Hayatollah G, Nikshoar M, Forootan M, Feizi AM. Liver Hydatid Cyst and Acute Cholangitis: a Case Report. Acta Med Iran. 2016;54(4):286-288.