
Report on some Biological Responses to High Electric Fields and Indirect Action of Ultraviolot Rays


The similarities of effects produced hy radiation, electric field, ultraviolet rays and ozone on the platelet and blood corpuscles suggest the presence of a common factor. It is assumed that the effects of radiation is due the hydroperoxyl radical and we know it is the same for ozone and ultraviolet rays. These effects are useful for detecting to Some extent the primary or direct and the secondary effects of radiation due to the oxydising radicals; and we also may substitute x or"( rays radiotherapy by ozone in such cases as lung cancer.

IssueVol 3, No 2 (1960) QRcode

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How to Cite
Djanab K. Report on some Biological Responses to High Electric Fields and Indirect Action of Ultraviolot Rays. Acta Med Iran. 1;3(2):1-9.