Original Article

Gamification in Radiology: A Systematic Review


Radiology gamification articles were examined to determine the purpose and effect of games on the target audience and to provide a basis for researchers who aim to develop a new gamification. The articles related to radiology gamification, games, and simulations were retrieved from databases, including ProQuest, Springer, Cochrane Library, Ovid, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science via electronic search. To assess the quality of the articles Prisma and CASP checklists were used. Finally, according to the inclusion criteria, the appropriate articles were selected. Among 6917 retrieved articles, only 13 articles were related to radiology gamification, two of which were related to the analysis of the effects of radiology gamification in different areas such as differential diagnosis, education, dental radiology, and the number of drugs taken for imaging. These studies show that radiology gamification is few, and there are different forms of gamification, including but not limited to board games, physical games, and video games. Furthermore, in designing an educational game, learner’s characteristics, educational goals, and developing educational content are major steps.

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IssueVol 57, No 10 (2019) QRcode
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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/acta.v57i10.3249
Game Gamification Radiology Systematic review

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How to Cite
Kiani Feizabadi M, Mafakherian AM, Goudarzi A, Asadzandi S, Ahmadi M, Bigdeli S. Gamification in Radiology: A Systematic Review. Acta Med Iran. 2020;57(10):605-613.