
Descriptive and Analytical Study of Acute Leukemia in Adults in Eastern Algeria


Acute leukemia (AL) is a group of malignant hemopathies characterized by monoclonal intramedullary proliferation of abnormal hematopoietic cells, the maturation process of which is blocked at the "Blast" stage. In these pathologies, an abnormal cell clone proliferates. By its character of anarchy, of nonresponse to normal regulators of cell proliferation and its invasive character, this clone assumes all the characters of malignancy. The diagnosis of ALL can no longer be based solely on morphological and cytochemical characteristics, but must include the elements of the immunological phenotype of leukemic cells. Currently, a classification, based on immunophenotypic and cytogenetic data as well as on molecular biology data, is necessary for the determination of the optimal treatment. The objective of this work is to reach a descriptive approach of the acute leukemia in the region of Annaba, in the east of Algeria. Description of the epidemiological, clinical and cytological characteristics of the cases of acute leukemia collected in the Hematology Laboratory of Dorban Hospital over a period of 6 years. - Analysis of the results of our study and their comparison with those published in the literature, with a reminder of the epidemiological and diagnostic data. The retrospective study was conducted in the division of the hematology hospital of Sidi Ammar-Annaba, during the period from January 2018 to July 2019. This study was based on data from 50 patients. During our study period, the results show that 50 cases of acute leukemia confirmed by the myelogram were notified. The annual average is 12.3 cases. The collection data were made in Annaba at the CHU-Dorban, we noted a variety of clinical signs and a variety of symptoms represented mainly by fever (100%), anemia (100%), hemorrhagic syndromes (30 , 6%) and splenomegaly (80.6%). For the myelogram. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was predominant with 25 cases. In conclusion we can say that. Acute leukemia in adults in eastern Algeria can be expressed by a variety of symptoms and hematological disorders, in addition to a series of associated conditions.

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IssueVol 58, No 10 (2020) QRcode
Leukemias Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Lymphocytes Myelogram

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How to Cite
Tebbani F, Boudiba N, Tadjine K, Rouabah A, Rouabah L. Descriptive and Analytical Study of Acute Leukemia in Adults in Eastern Algeria. Acta Med Iran. 2020;58(10):513-519.