Absence of Infrarenal Portion of the Inferior Vena Cava With Acute Lower Extremities Venous Thrombosis: A Case Report
A lack of congenital Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) is an uncommon malformation that has been identified in combination with idiopathic Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT), exclusively. It may not even be revealed during the lifetime. A 63-year-old female was accepted with three months of abdominal and pelvic pain and localized edema on the right flank. During this admission, she was examined and recognized for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Ct scan images showed a lack of the Inferior Vena Cava with enormous thrombosis collaterals of the superficial vein in the abdomen. In this case report, we report a woman with side pain who has an absence of the IVC.
2. Gupta A, Kumar S, Kothari SS. Congenital absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava and deep veins of the lower limbs: a case report. Journal of medical case reports. 2016;10(1):218.
3. Gil RJ, Pérez AM, Arias JB, Pascual FB, Romero ES. Agenesis of the inferior vena cava associated with lower extremities and pelvic venous thrombosis. Journal of vascular surgery. 2006;44(5):1114-6.
4. Gayer G, Luboshitz J, Hertz M, Zissin R, Thaler M, Lubetsky A, et al. Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava revealed on CT in patients with deep vein thrombosis. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2003;180(3):729-32.
5. Vijayvergiya R, Bhat M, Kumar R, Vivekanand S, Grover A. Azygos continuation of interrupted inferior vena cava in association with sick sinus syndrome. Heart. 2005;91(4):e26-e.
6. Ramanathan T, Michael T, Hughes D, Richardson AJ. Perinatal inferior vena cava thrombosis and absence of the infrarenal inferior vena cava. Journal of vascular surgery. 2001;33(5):1097-9.
7. Darrel S, Isam H, Armando S. Absence of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava: what the surgeon should know. The American Surgeon. 2005;71(6):502-4.
8. Vermeulen E, van Urk H. Agenesis of the inferior vena cava. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery. 1996;12(4):493-6.
9. Cho BC, Choi HJ, Kim SK, Lee YW, Lee DH, Hong YK, et al. Congenital absence of inferior vena cava as a rare cause of pulmonary thromboembolism. 2004.
10. Iqbal J, Nagaraju E. Congenital absence of inferior vena cava and thrombosis: a case report. Journal of medical case reports. 2008;2(1):46.
11. Suh HJ, Kim WT, Kim MY, Cho YK. Combined anomaly of the right hepatic lobe agenesis and absence of the inferior vena cava: a case report. Korean journal of radiology. 2008;9(Suppl):S61-S4.
12. García-Fuster MJ, Forner MJ, Flor-Lorente B, Soler J, Campos S. Inferior vena cava malformations and deep venous thrombosis. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition). 2006;59(2):171-5.
13. Alicioglu B, Kaplan M, Ege T. Absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava is not a congenital abnormality. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2009;110(5):304-6.
14. Bass JE, Redwine MD, Kramer LA, Huynh PT, Harris Jr JH. Spectrum of Congenital Anomalies of the Inferior Vena Cava: Cross-sectional Imaging Findings 1: (CME available in print version and on RSNA Link). Radiographics. 2000;20(3):639-52.
15. Bapat G, Daly K, Razzaq R, Onwudike M. Unusual presentations of congenital absence of the inferior vena cava. International Journal of Angiology. 2003;12(01):48-50.
16. Zhou W, Rosenberg W, Lumsden A, Li J. Successful surgical management of pelvic congestion and lower extremity swelling owing to absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava. Vascular. 2005;13(6):358-61.
17. Cooper M, Waldo O, Davis B, Duerinckx AJ. Absent infrarenal inferior vena cava. Radiology case reports. 2011;6(3):535.
18. Dougherty MJ, Calligaro KD, DeLaurentis DA. Congenitally absent inferior vena cava presenting in adulthood with venous stasis and ulceration: a surgically treated case. Journal of vascular surgery. 1996;23(1):141-6.
19. Yun SS, Kim JI, Kim KH, Sung GY, Kim JS, Moon IS, et al. Deep venous thrombosis caused by congenital absence of inferior vena cava, combined with hyperhomocysteinemia. Annals of vascular surgery. 2004;18(1):124-9.
20. Bass J, Redwine M, Kramer L, Harris Jr J. Absence of the infrarenal inferior vena cava with preservation of the suprarenal segment as revealed by CT and MR venography. AJR American journal of roentgenology. 1999;172(6):1610-2.
21. Atmatzidis K, Papaziogas B, Pavlidis T, Paraskevas G, Mirelis C, Papaziogas T. Surgical images: soft tissue: reccurent deep vein thrombosis caused by hypoplasia of the inferior vena cava. Canadian journal of surgery. 2006;49(4):285.
22. Konopka CL, Salame M, Padulla GA, Muradás RR, Batistella JC. Agenesis of inferior vena cava associated with deep venous thrombosis. Jornal Vascular Brasileiro. 2010;9(3):196-9.
23. Felicio ML, Martins AS, Andrade RRd, Silva MAdM. Ausência parcial de veia cava inferior associada à malformação intestinal. Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 2007;22(3):362-4.
24. Lambert M, Marboeuf P, Midulla M, Trillot N, Beregi J-P, Mounier-Vehier C, et al. Inferior vena cava agenesis and deep vein thrombosis: 10 patients and review of the literature. Vascular medicine. 2010;15(6):451-9.
25. Obernosterer A, Aschauer M, Schnedl W, Lipp RW. Anomalies of the inferior vena cava in patients with iliac venous thrombosis. Annals of internal medicine. 2002;136(1):37-41.
26. Koc Z, Oguzkurt L. Interruption or congenital stenosis of the inferior vena cava: prevalence, imaging, and clinical findings. European journal of radiology. 2007;62(2):257-66.
27. Ueda J, Hara K, Kobayashi Y, Ohue S, Uchida H. Anomaly of the inferior vena cava observed by CT. Computerized radiology. 1983;7(3):145-54.
1. Spentzouris G, Zandian A, Cesmebasi A, Kinsella CR, Muhleman M, Mirzayan N, et al. The clinical anatomy of the inferior vena cava: a review of common congenital anomalies and considerations for clinicians. Clinical anatomy. 2014;27(8):1234-43.
2. Gupta A, Kumar S, Kothari SS. Congenital absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava and deep veins of the lower limbs: a case report. Journal of medical case reports. 2016;10(1):218.
3. Gil RJ, Pérez AM, Arias JB, Pascual FB, Romero ES. Agenesis of the inferior vena cava associated with lower extremities and pelvic venous thrombosis. Journal of vascular surgery. 2006;44(5):1114-6.
4. Gayer G, Luboshitz J, Hertz M, Zissin R, Thaler M, Lubetsky A, et al. Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava revealed on CT in patients with deep vein thrombosis. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2003;180(3):729-32.
5. Vijayvergiya R, Bhat M, Kumar R, Vivekanand S, Grover A. Azygos continuation of interrupted inferior vena cava in association with sick sinus syndrome. Heart. 2005;91(4):e26-e.
6. Ramanathan T, Michael T, Hughes D, Richardson AJ. Perinatal inferior vena cava thrombosis and absence of the infrarenal inferior vena cava. Journal of vascular surgery. 2001;33(5):1097-9.
7. Darrel S, Isam H, Armando S. Absence of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava: what the surgeon should know. The American Surgeon. 2005;71(6):502-4.
8. Vermeulen E, van Urk H. Agenesis of the inferior vena cava. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery. 1996;12(4):493-6.
9. Cho BC, Choi HJ, Kim SK, Lee YW, Lee DH, Hong YK, et al. Congenital absence of inferior vena cava as a rare cause of pulmonary thromboembolism. 2004.
10. Iqbal J, Nagaraju E. Congenital absence of inferior vena cava and thrombosis: a case report. Journal of medical case reports. 2008;2(1):46.
11. Suh HJ, Kim WT, Kim MY, Cho YK. Combined anomaly of the right hepatic lobe agenesis and absence of the inferior vena cava: a case report. Korean journal of radiology. 2008;9(Suppl):S61-S4.
12. García-Fuster MJ, Forner MJ, Flor-Lorente B, Soler J, Campos S. Inferior vena cava malformations and deep venous thrombosis. Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition). 2006;59(2):171-5.
13. Alicioglu B, Kaplan M, Ege T. Absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava is not a congenital abnormality. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2009;110(5):304-6.
14. Bass JE, Redwine MD, Kramer LA, Huynh PT, Harris Jr JH. Spectrum of Congenital Anomalies of the Inferior Vena Cava: Cross-sectional Imaging Findings 1: (CME available in print version and on RSNA Link). Radiographics. 2000;20(3):639-52.
15. Bapat G, Daly K, Razzaq R, Onwudike M. Unusual presentations of congenital absence of the inferior vena cava. International Journal of Angiology. 2003;12(01):48-50.
16. Zhou W, Rosenberg W, Lumsden A, Li J. Successful surgical management of pelvic congestion and lower extremity swelling owing to absence of infrarenal inferior vena cava. Vascular. 2005;13(6):358-61.
17. Cooper M, Waldo O, Davis B, Duerinckx AJ. Absent infrarenal inferior vena cava. Radiology case reports. 2011;6(3):535.
18. Dougherty MJ, Calligaro KD, DeLaurentis DA. Congenitally absent inferior vena cava presenting in adulthood with venous stasis and ulceration: a surgically treated case. Journal of vascular surgery. 1996;23(1):141-6.
19. Yun SS, Kim JI, Kim KH, Sung GY, Kim JS, Moon IS, et al. Deep venous thrombosis caused by congenital absence of inferior vena cava, combined with hyperhomocysteinemia. Annals of vascular surgery. 2004;18(1):124-9.
20. Bass J, Redwine M, Kramer L, Harris Jr J. Absence of the infrarenal inferior vena cava with preservation of the suprarenal segment as revealed by CT and MR venography. AJR American journal of roentgenology. 1999;172(6):1610-2.
21. Atmatzidis K, Papaziogas B, Pavlidis T, Paraskevas G, Mirelis C, Papaziogas T. Surgical images: soft tissue: reccurent deep vein thrombosis caused by hypoplasia of the inferior vena cava. Canadian journal of surgery. 2006;49(4):285.
22. Konopka CL, Salame M, Padulla GA, Muradás RR, Batistella JC. Agenesis of inferior vena cava associated with deep venous thrombosis. Jornal Vascular Brasileiro. 2010;9(3):196-9.
23. Felicio ML, Martins AS, Andrade RRd, Silva MAdM. Ausência parcial de veia cava inferior associada à malformação intestinal. Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 2007;22(3):362-4.
24. Lambert M, Marboeuf P, Midulla M, Trillot N, Beregi J-P, Mounier-Vehier C, et al. Inferior vena cava agenesis and deep vein thrombosis: 10 patients and review of the literature. Vascular medicine. 2010;15(6):451-9.
25. Obernosterer A, Aschauer M, Schnedl W, Lipp RW. Anomalies of the inferior vena cava in patients with iliac venous thrombosis. Annals of internal medicine. 2002;136(1):37-41.
26. Koc Z, Oguzkurt L. Interruption or congenital stenosis of the inferior vena cava: prevalence, imaging, and clinical findings. European journal of radiology. 2007;62(2):257-66.
27. Ueda J, Hara K, Kobayashi Y, Ohue S, Uchida H. Anomaly of the inferior vena cava observed by CT. Computerized radiology. 1983;7(3):145-54.
Files | ||
Issue | Vol 58, No 12 (2020) | |
Section | Case Report(s) | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/acta.v58i12.5159 | |
Keywords | ||
Congenital abnormalities Vena cava Inferior Venous thrombosis |
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