Original Article

Study of 72 Cases of Human Brucellosis in Tehran


Conclusions based on 72 proven cases of B~cellosis obsed"Ve.d at ~he Infectious Diseases Department of Pahlavi HOSPItal, Tehran University, School of Medicine from 1958-1962 are as follow:-
1. Age Incidence: Highest between the ages of 20 to 40.
2. Seasonal Incidence: Highest during the summer months.
3. Occupational Relationship and Incidence: In 90% of th~ cases, there was no contact between the patients and the infected animals or their products.
4. Sex Incidence: The majority of our cases, (68.0%) were men.
5. Despite the prevalence of Hr. abortus among the c~ttle of tAlh~ Tehran area human Brucellosis due to Hr. abortus IS rare. the reported cases were due to Hr. mclitensi~.
6. The difference between the symptomatology in our cahsesdiaffnd those of foreigners are described. The~ may be ~ue ~o. t €I . ~renee in the casual agent and to the difference m living conditions in Iran.
7. The Incidence of Brucellosis in children is extremely low. This may be due to their natural resistance and to their more limited living conditions.
8. The .disease is almost absent in occupationally exposed people, despite the number of infected cattle in the Tehran area. This may be due to the low pathogenic potency of Hr. abortus in Iran..
9. Mode of Transmisainn ; Not discounting the possibility of transmission through the alimentary tract, we suggest that Brucella excreted by the goats kept in the city or those which belong to the tribes who pass some times during winter and summer
movement in the cities, may mix with the dust and air and so  ain entrance to the respiratory system.
10. Therapy: Best results in chronic cases were obtained througn
an association of Tetracycline derivative with Sulfonamides and Streptomycine. Chloramphenicol has yielded good results, although in some cases the illness may recur.

IssueVol 5, No 1-4 (1962) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)

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How to Cite
Mojdehi N, Moine M. Study of 72 Cases of Human Brucellosis in Tehran. Acta Med Iran. 1;5(1-4):34-41.