Clinical Comorbidity Phenotype in Knee Osteoarthritis Is Associated With Higher Intensity Scores
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common osteoarticular disease. Its prevalence increases with age, as well as the coexistence of other chronic diseases. Recent research has revealed an association between OA and cardiovascular diseases. However, the association between knee OA and comorbidities has not been fully studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the association between knee OA and comorbidities. In this cross-sectional study, patients with knee OA were enrolled. Sociodemographic data, as well as comorbidities, were collected. Grading of knee OA was performed using the Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grading system. The functional impact of knee OA was assessed by KOOS-Physical Function Shortform (KOOS-PS). This study assessed 104 patients with knee OA (10 men and 94 women). The mean age was 65.83±11.08 years. Mean VAS pain was 6.56±1.72. Mean KOOS-PS was 15.58±6.73. Up to 81 patients (77.9%) had severe knee OA, according to the KL grading system. Comorbidity was noted in 92 cases (88%). The most frequent comorbidities were obesity (62.5%), hypertension (61.5%), and dyslipidemia (43.3%). Comorbidities in knee OA were associated with age (P=0.04), axial deviation in the sagittal plane (P=0.01), neuropathic pain component (P=0.02), and VAS pain (P=0.04). Our study also showed a significant correlation between comorbidities and structural grading of knee OA (P=0.04). However, comorbidities were not correlated with the KOOS-PS score (P=0.06). The accumulation of comorbidities is significantly associated with higher intensity scores in knee OA. Physicians should additionally pay close attention to the prevention and treatment of comorbidities in the routine management of OA.
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Knee osteoarthritis Comorbidity Metabolic syndrome Cardiovascular disease |
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