
Les Adenites Becegiques en Iran ( Teheran )


The occurrence of adenitis ~foll owin g- the BCG vaccination is only a sign of . b the germ through the lymphatic way. expected invasion of the orgamsn: . y" d " ble complication of vaccination, O 1 th purating ademtls IS an un esira ruy, e sup 5 at most of the vaccinated people. Any which does not occur in more than 10/0 or 1,. % b ed by the. authors in 1957 . tage (as It was 0 serv increase, even slight, of this percen . . lation of the vaccine. and 1963) may indicate errors in preparatlOn or mocu

IssueVol 6, No 1-3 (1963) QRcode

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How to Cite
Ghodssi M, Sabeti A, Fathi M. Les Adenites Becegiques en Iran ( Teheran ). Acta Med Iran. 1;6(1-3):1-8.