Case Report

Etiopathogeny of Multiple Myeloma Associated With Breast Cancer: Case Reports


The association between multiple myeloma and solid cancers is rarely described in the literature. Some authors report that multiple myeloma increases the risk of developing some cancers such as breast cancer. We report three cases of multiple myeloma and breast cancer metachronous in order to study the etiopathogenesis of this association. Such a big spectrum of these studies should be done to understand whether there is a relation between causes of these two diseases or the risk factors behind this rare association. Our objective is to be able to define patients with high and low risk of developing secondary cancer in order to adapt the therapies and propose possibly screening for colon and breast cancers every two years for patients with high-risk multiple myeloma.

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SectionCase Report(s)
Multiple myeloma Breast cancer Association Etiopathogeny

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Khemiri S, Feki J, Toumi N, Khanfir A. Etiopathogeny of Multiple Myeloma Associated With Breast Cancer: Case Reports. Acta Med Iran. 2023;61(2):122-125.